My Angel Alert Band

Emergencies Don't Wait for Words

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Everyone Needs An Angel

At My Angel Alert Band, we understand that in times of medical crisis, every second counts. That's why we've developed wearable Medical ID Alert Technology featuring the newest standard for security in technology. With just a tap of a smartphone, our Angel bands securely share critical medical information, ensuring that first responders have the details they need to save lives because


Our Mission

Our mission is to globally distribute innovative wearable medical technology that provides medical caregivers instant access to personal medical records using the highest standard of secure technology.

Emergencies Don't Wait For Words

Our products are designed as a medical safety net for individuals and cover an extensive list of health details and requirements, such as: Visible & invisible medical conditions, medications, allergies, implants & so much more. We provide services for everyone who may have specific needs or medical concerns, including seniors, adults, and children of all ages, veterans, active military, professionals with high-risk occupations, adventure/outdoor sports enthusiasts, frequent travelers, and more. By having instant access to your medical details, we provide emergency responders and medical professionals the ability to do their jobs and provide the best care effectively and efficiently, so you can know those critical moments are covered!

Why Choose My Angel Alert Bands & Products?

Start Shopping For Your Angel Alert Band

If you are new to the My Angel Alert Family, we recommend choosing from one of our starter bundles as they will include a subscription to our Monitoring Platform, which is what allows your information to stay live, secure, and ready for medical professionals to access. We also recommend it for our valued clients that may need others, such as, family members, medical staff, and caretakers to have access to the information. If you are a returning customer looking to add another Angel Alert Band, Medical Wallet Card, or Monitoring Platform, please feel free to take a look at our individual products listed further below!

Our products are made to endure a variety of activities and do not require any charging, electronic plugs or adapters, or e-charging ports.

Our Individual Products

Meet Our Angel CEO & Founder

Jean Mayland

Jean has a diverse entrepreneurial background owning laser-engraving business, text marketing business, brick & mortar retail among other ventures. She has also worked in the corporate sector in the areas of operations, marketing & finance. She is spiritually grounded...thus the inclusion of an Angel. Her passion for helping people has brought her to this place.

She saw a need for an improved system to share critical details with medical personnel when she experienced this with her own mom after being transported from assisted living to the hospital. The first responder came back to Jean and asked medical questions about her mom AFTER the transport saying that that information would have been useful during transport. “Lightbulb!” Let’s fix the system.

There are far too many people in our world that have visible & invisible medical conditions, and Emergency Responders most often are unable to access these details. For people to have peace of mind knowing that this wearable device will be able to "talk for them when they can't" is invaluable. Saving a life is priceless.

My Angel Sales Team

Meet the dedicated team behind My Angel Alert Brand. Our sales team is passionate about providing top-notch safety solutions and supporting charitable causes.

Timber Clendenning

Timber is an EMT by trade and has been in healthcare since 2018. She has had the opportunity to work across various states increasing her exposure and knowledge of diverse emergency medical situations. 

She is VERY excited to be a part of the Angel team, to bring her medical experience, to bring this revolutionary product to life...and to Save Lives!

Mike Martin

Mike’s experience comes from being a US Navy Supply Corps Officer, working for big corporate in sales & marketing & having successful businesses of his own. He has been a public speaker since 2004 with a passion for bringing living history lessons of life to students, business professionals and seniors. His presentations have been integrated into several high school curriculums. Mike is active in various veteran organizations & non-profits including Disabled American Veterans, Vietnam Veterans of Diablo Valley as Director of the Speakers Bureau, Houston Veterans Chamber of Commerce, Holistic Chamber of Commerce, VFW & more. His passion to help Veterans is intense and is what has inspired him to be a part of My Angel Alert Band…to provide Veterans with a much needed way for medical caregivers to know the unique medical situation of each of these warriors.

Cyndi Stone

Cyndi is our Canadian! She has had a prosperous career in sales and her love of Seniors comes easily. Now a senior herself, and understanding the life & health challenges that come with that, she knows how important My Angel Alert Band will be for seniors. 

She is excited to spread the love & share the benefits of our product knowing the peace of mind that it will bring to the Seniors and to their adult children who worry about them.

Rudy Rojas

Rudy has knowledge from many fields including the shoe industry, funeral, and technology. He found his calling in the Health Industry by working with the elderly community. Working with Medicare recipients gave him an insight into the need to update access to individual health in cases of emergencies. 

He is thrilled to continue to make a difference to this world by providing a safety network for individuals who have critical information that needs to be accessed in case of emergencies. Being bilingual, he will also add tremendous value by helping the Spanish-speaking population stay protected in potential medical crises. 

Remember... "Emergencies don't wait for words!" or "¡Emergencias no esperan por palabras!" 

Holly Holliday

Holly Holliday is the creative thinker and owner of Holliday Creative Marketing. Driven by a deep passion for helping others. Holly’s commitment to this mission stems from her personal experience as a primary caregiver for her mother, who battled Dementia and other ailments.

She often reflects on how much peace the Angel Alert Band would have brought her, knowing that emergency responders would have immediate access to her mother's medications, DNR, and other critical health documents. The band’s feature that sends a text notification when scanned would have been a constant reassurance.

Holly’s vision extends as an arm of Holliday Creative Marketing, which will be a distributor. She plans to integrate these bands into Independent Living centers and reach out to younger individuals managing diabetes and severe allergies (peanut, latex, shellfish, tree nuts, soy, dairy, wheat, egg, insect stings, etc.) Her goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, can benefit from the peace of mind and security of the Angel Alert Band.

Linda Grace Farley

A natural born communicator / networker, is a person driven by an insatiable desire and service mindset, to be of assistance to others. A retired IBM employee, she brings to the My Angel Alert Band organization years of experience in problem-solving, organizational skills, and service experience.

Her personal experience as a caregiver to her parents, as well as a Hospice volunteer and certified End of Life Doula, she knows all too well how seconds count in emergency situations. Awareness is everything and being prepared is a crucial aspect of navigating and handling life’s challenges. In addition, her understanding & appreciation for the demands and the stress that is incurred by many of our EMT & First Responders, the decision to join this initiative was easy. Her motto: “How may I be of Service” resonates loudly here.

Linda Grace’s vision for being involved is to bring awareness, not only to her home state of Florida, but also to contribute to bringing this awareness on a National / Global level. She looks forward to working with Visionary Jean Mayland and her Angel Alert Sales Agents in paving a new trail in saving lives.

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By Alfie Whitehead 04 Oct, 2024
Chronic conditions, affecting 129 million Americans, present physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Managing illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, or epilepsy can be overwhelming especially during emergencies. Thankfully, My Angel Alert Band is here to ease that burden. MAAB instantly provides first responders with vital medical information, enabling swift and accurate care when it matters most.
By Alfie Whitehead 04 Oct, 2024
Global travel has come a long way since the religious pilgrimages of our ancestors. However, challenges such as falling sick whilst abroad persist. With My Angel Alert Band, you can keep your medical history and emergency contacts at your fingertips, ensuring peace of mind on your adventures. Explore the world confidently, knowing you're always prepared for the unexpected.
By Alfie Whitehead 04 Oct, 2024
From skydiving, to combat sports to extreme winter sports, the adrenaline junkies among us will stop at no lengths to get their fix. However, whilst awesome to look at, extreme sports also present extreme risk of injury. If your idea of a fun day out involves hurtling down a mountain or diving off a cliff… you need My Angel Alert Band.
By Alfie Whitehead 04 Oct, 2024
Whilst many of us are fortunate enough to feel very safe in our daily working lives, the same cannot be said for those working in logging, construction or any one of the emergency services. Let us consider the risks faced by these brave individuals and what My Angel Alert Band can do to help!
By Alfie Whitehead 22 Aug, 2024
By now, we all know that the revolutionary chip code technology in every My Angel Alert Band is designed to communicate essential medical information to first responders, reducing medical mistakes and in turn saving lives. And just in case you didn't already know that… Well now you do! However, as if this wasn't enough, there are a whole selection of other benefits provided by an Angel Alert Band. Affordable: With a one time fee of only $54.95 and a monthly monitoring fee of only $9, bringing an Angel into your home to look over you and your loved ones could not be any more affordable. This is a small price to pay for the priceless gift that is security and peace of mind. Hypoallergenic: You can rest assured that our bracelets and pendants are made without allergy-inducing substances. Secured Information: Keeping your medical information safe is of the utmost importance for us at My Angel Alert Band, hence why we implemented the following safeguards: (i) Bands can only be tapped within centimeters of range so you do not have to worry about your information being stolen from across the street, (ii) Once tapped, information cannot be forwarded, saved or screenshotted, (iii) Tapped information will only stay open for a short period of time Easily Updated Information: Medical information is not a stagnant process; we know that. For that matter, your right to share only what you wish to share is not stagnant either. Therefore, you can scan and update your details in seconds as often as is necessary. Multiple Languages: Your information can be translated across multiple languages ensuring that your Angel is with you, no matter where in the world you might be. Waterproof: Keep your Angel Alert Band on you when you are swimming, showering or out on the lake. Simple and Secure Set-Up: Our setup simply requires your answers to a concise list of relevant questions, all answered completely at your discretion. Virtually Limitless Information: Enter as much or as little information as you see fit. With all that said, we at My Angel Alert Band are scratching our heads looking for reasons not to join the medical revolution. You deserve safety of information and peace of mind, and we are here to offer it. So, don't waste any time in bringing an Angel into your life today to watch over you and your loved ones.
By Alfie Whitehead 22 Aug, 2024
My Angel Alert Band is a revolutionary piece of wearable technology, born out of the need to save lives.
By Alfie Whitehead 22 Aug, 2024
Our mission at My Angel Alert Band was born out of the deeply harrowing reality echoed in a recent John Hopkins study. It was suggested by this study that, annually within the US, 250,000 people lose their lives as a result of medical errors. Although medical error is not stated on death certificates nor official rankings, this figure makes it the third leading cause of death in America preceded only by heart disease and cancer. Other studies would argue that this number is in-fact a conservative estimate and the real figure is actually closer to 440,000. At My Angel Alert Band, we firmly believe that either estimate is 100 percent too high. Therefore, our mission is conceptually simple and yet nonetheless vital. To distribute our innovative wearable technology nationally and globally, reaching every person who has critical medical information, visible or invisible, that needs to be known in an emergency situation. This will, thereby, drastically reduce the instances of medical error that are induced by misinformation and non-information. My Angel Alert Band allows no room for medical error by quickly and efficiently communicating all of a patient’s vital health information to the relevant medical professionals at the tap of a phone. Whether they are first responders, EMTs or doctors, My Angel Alert Band’s QR code technology guarantees that no one is expected to deliver life-saving treatment blind.  If the information shared here resonates with you, then supporting our noble mission from home is simple and effortless. Simply purchase a My Angel Alert Band for yourself and anybody else that you love dearly. Then rest easy in the knowledge that, should there be a medical emergency, you and your loved ones will be protected. Everyone deserves to have an Angel watching over them and no one deserves to be a victim of medical mistakes.
By Alfie Whitehead 22 Aug, 2024
The prevalence of disability within the US continues to grow, with figures now suggesting that as many as one in four or 27 percent of adult Americans have a disability in some form.
By Alfie Whitehead 22 Aug, 2024
When it comes to elderly care, both nursing homes and assisted living facilities are fantastic options to consider. Both are alike in that they provide residents with a safe environment, companionship, social activities, personalized care and nutritious meals. However, there are also some key differences. Assisted living facilities can be described as a more independent living space for the elderly. Residents are provided with any assistance they may need with those tasks that grow increasingly difficult with age such as changing and bathing. However, they are not given 24/7 nursing or medical care. On the other hand, nursing homes are aimed at those who require a more hands-on approach to caring and provide residents with 24/7 supervision and medical care. Differences aside, one thing that nursing homes and assisted living facilities have in common is the fact that their popularity is booming in the face of a rapidly aging American population. From now until 2030, there will be 10,000 baby boomers reaching retirement age daily. As stated by the US Census Bureau there will be over 80 million US citizens who are over 65 years old by 2040 and 95 million by 2060. Furthermore, of those turning 65 it is projected that 70 percent will require some type of senior care as they grow older. In short, this means the number of seniors in assisted living facilities and nursing homes will increase dramatically over the next four decades.  Therefore, whilst nursing homes and assisted living facilities remain excellent choices as you begin to consider elderly care for your loved ones, numbers of residents are set to increase exponentially. With this in mind you, of course, want to do everything in your power to ensure that your elderly loved one has the precise, personalized medical care that they need. This is where MyAngelAlertBand comes in. In the case of a medical emergency, the revolutionary chip technology of MyAngelAlertBand will be there to communicate your parents or grandparents medical information even when they cannot do so themselves. You can rest assured that an angel is watching over your aging loved one when they need it the most.
By Alfie Whitehead 26 Apr, 2024
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